Curriculum & Online Resources » Grading Scale

Grading Scale

Grading Scale (Grades 6-12)

All classes at MMSAD will follow this standard scale for assigning letter grades for quarter and semester work. Individual teachers will establish the grading policies and procedures for their classes, and their grades will correspond to this scale.


**Honor Roll status is determined at the end of each term. Students with a GPA of 3.0 and above with no Fs or Ds are listed on the Honor Roll, students with a GPA of 3.5 and above are listed on the High Honor Roll, and students with a GPA of 4.0 receive the Principal’s Award.**


Academic Honors


Academic honors for all students will be calculated after each grading period. Students will receive the following distinctions with respect to G.P.A:

  • Honor Roll: 3.0-3.49
  • High Honor Roll: 3.5-3.99
  • Principal's Award: 4.00 and above




The school administration determines the valedictorian/salutatorian according to students’ academic achievement, contribution to the school, and involvement in school activities


Standards-Based Grading (Grades K-5)


At MMSAD, student achievement occurs through clearly defined standards and authentic learning opportunities. We strive to provide accurate, meaningful, and timely feedback to students and parents throughout the learning process. Reporting of student achievement reflects student progress toward mastery of key academic concepts and identifies multiple pathways to deeper learning.

Standards-based grading communicates how students perform on a set of clearly defined learning targets called standards. The purpose of standards-based grading is to identify what a student knows or can do in relation to those learning targets - as opposed to simply averaging grades/scores over the course of the grading period, which can mask what a student has learned or not learned.


Standards-Based Scores

  1. Students have shown no or very little growth; they are not able to produce work to this standard.
  2. Student is working towards grade level
  3. Students are at grade level in this standard
  4. Students are exceeding grade level and working on a higher grade standard.
    N/A or BLANK- Standard not addressed yet OR student is unable to be assessed due to absences or late starts.